In about 6 hours time, Lily and I will be setting foot in Copenhagen, Denmark to embark on a quest to travel across Europe whilst recording sessions with local bands in every major city along the way. By the end of it all, we hope to have created a session map of Europe, showcasing the weird, the wonderful, and the downright cool musicians for whom English is a second language at best.
Our route will take us from Denmark to Germany via Sweden then South towards Croatia with lengthy stopovers in Austria and Slovenia. In true In Session style, the journey and all of its life-saving details have barely been planned from any angle whatsoever. It’s how we like it, okay, we’re purists like that. At least that’s how I’m going to spin it from now until forever.
Throughout the trip, we’re going to keep a daily video diary which will be posted to our Facebook page documenting our whereabouts that day, the mood in the camp, and the artists we’ve been stalking for a session. Whether these snippets will get posted as regularly as we’d like is another thing which will be left to chance. Frankly, I don’t have much faith in Slovakian internet but we shall endeavour to do our very best to deliver the goods. Nevertheless, In Session On Tour 2013 promises to be the blogging event of the willenium.
While you’re waiting for our first update, I present to you a Summery playlist of 20 tunes that Lily and I will be listening to throughout our trip. Whilst squeezing Lily for submissions for the playlist, I was intrigued to discover our differing stance on what constitutes a Summer song. For me, deciding upon whether the Summer tag is appropriate for a song means it has to pass me imagining walking across Edinburgh’s North Bridge on a particularly picturesque day. If I don’t feel added warmth from the song then it is banished to a downright miserable life outside of June-August. For, Lily, however, a Summer song simply has to fit in at a picnic in a field. Nothing too complicated but, given her response to my selections, exuberant synths are about as welcome as wasps.
The playlist itself is awfully lopsided towards my definition of Summer music as it features a greedy 17 picks from myself and a meagre 3 from Lily. A souvenir from our trip will be awarded to anyone who can pluck Lily’s selections from our playlist. Answers in the comments, please. Enjoy!
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