I scoured the Internet, I scoured the streets. I scoured other things as well, I scoured them for an event for you lovely ladies and gents and I found one. I found you an even when I left a toilet (gents) in EUSA’s very own union. I left the toilet and met some very persuasive and helpful folk who worked the door for the Edinburgh International Science Festival. There was stand-up on tonight (3 April) and as at least one of you know I like stand-up and Science. The festival runs from the 23 March until the 7th of April so you have 4 days left to soak up the rather impressive line-up of sciencey enterfunment. Today you have “The Fame Algorithm With Simon Pampena” a stand-up Mathematician in Teviot Row underground (Thurs 4th April£10/£8) If combining any nerdy topic, beer and hilarity isn’t your thing well you aren’t me. But if they are your thing or you are me well you should go.
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