The Nanu Film trail is an attempt to curate a little path through some cinema, for us to learn and share our ethusiasm for film, while still tackling the vibrant culture of Edinburgh.
Each month we will focus on one event happening in the city, and curate a small narrative of exploration and interrogation of films that surround it, contextualising the event within the wider world of movies. We hope you enjoy these, and take part in them wherever possible.
Although these trails are designed to be enjoyed within one month, taking place when relevant to the events of Edinburgh, we encourage you to enjoy them in your own time and at your own pace. The films we choose are a mixture of the obscure and the accessible, to offer a mixture of films that will appeal to as wide an audience as possible.
We hope you enjoy what we come up with. Why not get in contact and let us know?
Twitter @_nanu_nanu or use the hashtag #NanuFT