Fin and Hitch’s Inspirablog: We should get a dog.


So it took a while but eventually, after running through two of Edinburgh”s dog walking hotspots on an almost daily basis, I turned to Hitch and proclaimed “we should get

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a dog”. What would be better than man”s best friend to accompany us on our new routine? We go on the run anyway, it is frankly irresponsible for us not to get a dog – and would make me cleaning up any turds Hitch leaves on the path that much more excusable for me if we can blame it on the dog.

Now forget about all the responsibility that owning a dog brings; the walks, the feeding, the picking up dog shit, the vet bills, the silly games, the picking up of more dog shit. Let”s get down to the really important stuff:

Which breed of dog?

Finlay”s Choice – Pug

My god why would you buy any other dog? These cute little bastards not only look the business but are full of personality, well at least all those pug gifs I”ve seen on Tumblr have led me to believe they are.

Would also consider: Golden Retriever or Black Labrador.

Hitch”s Choice –

I don”t know what dog breeds are, but I”d like my dog to be happy, good at barking – but never loud – and a good listener. It wouldn”t go a miss to have a dog who shares the same humour as me – it will be spending a lot of time in my flat listening to me play guitar and “entertaining” it, so it would be brilliant if it enjoys this kind of lifestyle, as well as the occasional running.

That or the dulux dog.


What would we name it?

Finlay”s Name of Choice – Dr Leonard McCoy or Bones for short.

Star Trek joke aside I have always loved the idea of calling a dog Bones. Plus if his career as running sidekick falls through he could always get a new gig as a dog detective.

Hitch”s Name of Choice –

I can”t decide. If it”s a boy, I”m gonna call it Spankz. If it”s a girl dog, I”m still gonna call it spankz. I don”t know, but the name just feels right. Other possibilities: Tony, Dogboy, Tina, Gerbil or flufft.

I”m not very good with names, so I will probably change it on the fly. Poor thing will get very confused.

Today”s track had to be Florence and the Machine – Dog Days Are Over. It is a great track for near the start of a run plus it both mentions running and has dog in the title. Subscribe to the playlist

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