Day four into the Christmas advent calendar of films, and already I can see the Christmas spirit wearing thin. Don't worry, it's a Tuesday night, we are going to watch something that is as fun as it is not about Christmas.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
Shane Black, 105 mins
This film is probably one of Val Kilmer's finest moments, and oddly enough creeped under a lot of people's radar's when it came out in 2005. Playing around with LA and the acting culture, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is a kind of reboot of the noir genre, as a criminal escaping a robbery is asked to audition for the role of a detective in a movie. Again, it's not the most “Christmassy” of films – our momentum for festive fun will build as the month gathers pace – but being set around Christmas it's a good solid film that is ideal for a Tuesday night – and has it's charms that won't disappoint you.
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