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Nanu Guide To Charity Christmas Gifts

Donkey and Cart

Today is the 17th December, a day bound to strike fear into the best of us, for not only is it my mum's birthday (happy birthday Mum!) but it is EXACTLY ONE WEEK UNTIL CHRISTMAS.

If you haven't quite finished all your Christmas shopping yet, or if you've been holding back waiting for the perfect gift then do not fear, I'm here to help! If you're looking for something truly unique, special and memorable, then look no further than my guide to Charity Christmas gifts. Why not treat your nearest and dearest while helping someone else at the same time? Perfect for that warm and fuzzy feeling that we're all so obsessed with come Christmas time.

N.B. Obviously I highly recommend looking around these sites for their other gift ideas, these are just my selected picks!

Under £10

Feed A Family – £7 (Oxfam)

As part of their 'Oxfam Unwrapped' initiative, for just £7 you can give a family affected by crisis food vouchers for exchange with local traders. Not only do the family get a decent meal, but you'll also be supporting local producers and contributing to the restart an economy often needs after local disasters.

Message in a Bauble – £10 (Refuge)

For a donation of any amount (although £10 is probably a good starting point, Scrooge) you can write a message to women and children escaping domestic violence. The baubles, complete with messages, will decorate Christmas trees in various refuges to bring a smile to the faces of those who need it most.

Fox Tea Towel/Cushion – £10 (RSPCA)

Get this designer tea towel for someone crafty – it also comes with a sewing guide about how to turn it into a cushion! Not only is it organic but your money will go towards feeding and caring for hurt and abandoned animals this Christmas. How much good can you do with one present?!


Deliver A Baby – £23.50 (UNICEF)

Pay for one-fiftieth of a midwifery ward and provide all the equipment required to safely deliver a baby, including medicines and sterilisation, delivery and resuscitation equipment.

Adopt A Panda – £40 (Edinburgh Zoo)

Edinburgh's most famous new residents are celebrating their anniversary this month after landing safely on 4th December 2011. £40 gets you the 'Bronze' level of adoption where you'll receive certificates, fact sheets, stickers and badges as well as the feeling of supporting the pandas and the zoo for a whole year.


Donkey and Cart – £174  (Action Aid)

Support women in remote villages in Ghana who can't carry enough produce to justify long trips to markets – these women resort to using their children for help who in turn are often injured and miss out on vital schooling. Feed a family and educate a child for £174.

Great Boodles Bangles – £220 (GREAT)

The GREAT initiative provides support and finance to women at a grassroots level in order to redress gender inequality around the world. This bangle is expensive at £220 (although a lot cheaper than it's £10,000 counterpart…) but 100% profit goes to GREAT and you'll be doing your bit to target inequality, something that will collectively have huge long-term effects.



Christmas Playlist Battle: Eve

Eve Playlist

Over the next two weeks the Nanu contributors will be releasing a series of five track playlists of Christmas music. After they have all been released there will be a chance to vote on your favourite as well as the Nanu casino online Nanu Ultimate Christmas Playlist, released just in time  for your journey home. 

Track 1: Elton John – Step Into Christmas

Track2: Destiny”s Child – 8 Days of Christmas

Track 3: Emmy the Great & Tim Wheeler – Home for the Holidays

Track 4: Wham – Last Christmas

Track 5: The Killers – Don”t Shoot Me Santa

The F-Word: Burlesque and Stripping Podcast


This week Eve is joined by professional burlesque

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dancer Sarah Vernon who has written a PHD all about stripping, as well as Edinburgh Uni’s Sexpression group founder Sarah Moffat who sees stripping and burlesque as perfectly legitimate forms of work and F-Word favourite Kirsty Haigh who is somewhat undecided but can sympathise with arguments that see these types of entertainment as problematic.


The F-Word – "Whether you like it or not, you’re probably a feminist"


I've decided to do something slightly different with the blog this week as, although women in sport is a massive and really interesting topic, it's also a fairly fact/stat-based one where there's not a lot of debate to be had. So a huge thank you to Claire and Alex for talking through it so well last night, but I'm going to use this space this week to chat about something that's been bothering me a bit recently – why are people so reluctant to call themselves feminists?

I began The F-Word in the hope that talking about subjects relevant to most or all young women today in this way might make people stop and think “actually, this does affect me – I must be a feminist then!”. Yay, congrats, nice one etc. End of. But I've come to realise in recent weeks that it's not as easy as that. Yes, feminism is having a massive identity crisis

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and one that's leaving young women in their thousands alienated and intimidated, and that's a problem that I'll hopefully also touch on. But at an even more basic level, these same young women seem to be fundamentally misunderstanding feminism in the first place. Please don't get me wrong – I'm not for one minute pitying these women or tutting and shaking my head at them or whatever. I think that their views, rather than being born from ignorance, are a product of society and some branches of feminism itself – which is more than a bit disheartening when you consider some of the things I've heard recently.

I've heard someone adamantly declare that they're “definitely not a feminist”, while another said that she might be if she “read into it a bit more”. A girl in a tutorial I was in recently said, in all seriousness, that she thought “feminists [were] mostly just lesbians”, while another woman described her friend as being a “hardcore feminist” because she believed that her boyfriend should pay for everything on dates. Someone else told me that feminists were “scary and exclusive”. Aside from noting that I seem to be quizzing everyone in my life on feminism all the time, there's a bigger point to take from this. Yes, there's a spectrum here, and there might be some remarks there that most people would agree are missing the point. But others just make me a bit sad really; the idea that feminism is an academic position, or the idea that a movement fundamentally built on equality could come across as exclusive.

For me, feminism comes down to one thing and one thing only – do you want to be equal? If I sat down with each of the young women above and asked them whether they wanted to be paid less than a man for doing the same job, or whether they were happy to be called a slut if they wore a short skirt, or whether they were cool with being whistled and leered at on their way to the shops, I'm pretty sure the answer would be a resounding no. So something has definitely gone wrong somewhere along the line.

I think the ones that depressed me the most were the woman who said that she needed to read more books, and the one who described feminists as “scary and exclusive”. Sadly, I think these are really common misconceptions about feminism and, even more sadly, I think they come from somewhere far more real

than the collective 21st century woman's imagination. I personally think that the only qualification needed to be a feminist is that you're human – altough feel free to correct me if you think I'm doing the canine population an injustice – and believe in a good quality of life for everyone. Feminism is beneficial for men as well, not just women; gender stereotypes are damaging to all genders, and the economic empowerment of women can be nothing but helpful for the economy as a whole. I entirely reject the suggestion that men can't be feminists, and I think it's vitally important that they are for a whole host of reasons including economic, political and social ones. It's up to individual women if they want to engage in these more 'academic debates' or in activism in the traditional sense but, fundamentally, they should be respected for their decision, whichever one it is. I admire women who engage in activism and I believe that it often does have great results. But I also don't believe for one minute that marches, demonstrations and rallies are the only form of protest, and I don't believe that a woman is any less of a feminist because she chooses not to engage in these.

I think a basic premise of feminsim is that women should be able to make choices about their own lives and that these choices should be respected by other people and obviously other feminists. I fully agree (and argued about it in last week's blog) that women are a group of diverse and different people and we're never going to agree on everything all of the time. That's fine. But it's not fine, as far as I'm concerned, to attack a woman over a decision to wear pink, or high heels, or to stay at home and bake because, in this day and age, these are all decisions rather than requisites, and decisions that were only made possible by the feminist movement in the first place. Personally I'm quite partial to my high heels (in this sense I probably don't have much of a choice, but that's less to do with being a woman and more to do with being under five feet tall), sparkly jewellery and all the rest of it. But I still want to be equal and respected. There's no logical correlation between the two.

The main thing tying all the above quotes together is that these are all young women who don't seem to realise that sexism, and consequently feminism, affects them. I don't want to be depressing – “you thought your life was great? Well guess what, you're actually oppressed!” – but my point isn't that these women aren't experiencing these issues, it's that they aren't identifying them as being feminist issues. So for these women who are all Edinburgh students in their early 20s, maybe childcare and pay gaps aren't the most important problem for them right now. But I'm willing to bet they've all received unwanted attention in a club, or felt apprehensive walking home alone once, or felt that they couldn't speak out when laddy boys at pre-drinks made them feel uncomfortable. That's what my shows are all about; I've tried really hard to make sure that each one is about a topic that's big and broad enough to make women – and men – stop and think about whether it's affected them. And chances are, it has. So I'm sorry ladies, but whether you like it or not (and you should definitely like it), you're probably a feminist.


The F-Word: Chivalry


As always, a big thank you to both guests on this week’s F-Word: Oliva Rafferty who argued for chivalry as a form of benevolent sexism, and Daniel Swain who felt strongly that it was an old-fashioned and irrelevant argument.

While I can genuinely see both sides of the chivalry debate, I do find it hard to support the suggestion that it’s old-fashioned and not worthy of our time (sorry Daniel). To me it seems that this view comes from a misconception about what chivalry actually means in this day and age. I feel really strongly that you can never just transplant yourself into a different time or place and say that you know how you’d feel or react, and so I’m definitely not making arguments about your Granny and “the good old days when people had morals and men were gentlemen and bla bla bla…”. Simply chivalry as it manifests itself for young women in the 21st century. So it’s true that ‘chivalry’ comes from the French word ‘chevalier‘ meaning knight, and it definitely conjures up images of horsemen and damsels in distress – but one of the main arguments against chivalry

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time, so let’s not make it credible again by updating its name.

But fair enough, chats about language can be fairly abstract – so does chivalry still exist nowadays in the real world? I think the argument that it doesn’t ignores the suggestion that language and concepts evolve over time and we’re not talking about knights on white horses fighting dragons anymore (although if

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chivalry was still as cool as that then maybe I could get on board). Chivalry as I see it is not just when a man holds a door open or your boyfriend carries something heavy. I’ve rarely found myself personally offended by chivalry despite having many doors held open for me in my time, and that’s because the men holding said doors were doing the same for other women, children and men, and therefore not expecting any return from their action. That’s what marks chivalry aside from general good manners. I can’t lie, I’m a bit of a manners nazi and there’s nothing that riles me more than bad manners; if a man slammed a door in my face, I’d be furious. But I’d be equally furious if he ran ahead of me to sweep it open in a grandiose gesture to save my dainty little hands from – god forbid – pushing it open. Chivalry isn’t manners because it expects something in return and therefore reinforces male control of a situation. You can say chivalry’s dead but I’m willing to bet that a large percentage of the men out there would find their masculinity bruised if a woman pulled out a chair for them or bought them a drink in a bar.

Buying a drink is a perfect example of how chivalry has evolved as times have. I can’t be sure, what with being born in the 90s an all that, but I’m guessng there weren’t many one night stands in the 12th century – chainmail would be a bit of a pest to get off, for one thing – so there wasn’t the same motivation for men to shower women with drinks all night. There were no boardrooms, let alone women in them, so no “saving the budget meeting until later so that the ladies don’t get bored”. And I’d imagine that men were too busy galloping around or sharpening their swords to even talk to womenfolk, let alone censor their conversation because there were ladies present. It’s a shame that the conflation between chivalry and manners means women are often looked down on for wanting an extravagant wedding, or enjoying pretending to be a princess when a waiter in a fancy restaurant pulls a chair out for them. It’s the subtle nuances that mark chivalry apart from manners, and that make some instances of chivalry more offensive than others – in a serious relationship you might expect a man to treat you like a princess now and again but in that situation you both know where you stand, you’ve already got what you want and he’s showing you he appreciates you. It’s not so cool when you feel uncomfortable about accepting extravagant gifts from near strangers or when you’re made to feel like you can’t just go

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home at the end of a date because someone has pulled out all the stops and just paid for your dinner.

But my biggest problem with the suggestion that chivalry is irrelevant and out-of-date goes wider than just chivalry into bigger ideas of feminism and just how to treat people generally. Fundamentally, I think that if something is a problem for even a tiny number of people, then it’s a problem. Not experiencing something yourself doesn’t make it non-existent or not worthy of your time, otherwise we might as well not bother about wars or hurricanes or third world poverty. Suggesting that something simply isn’t a problem for women anymore is to suggest that women are something other than a heterogeneous group of people with opposing thoughts, backgrounds and opinions, which is a slippery slope in my book. I don’t feel personally offended by chivalry on a regular basis, and maybe there are other ‘women’s issues’ that are more relevant to me right now as a 20 year old student in Edinburgh. But maybe if I was 20 years older, or a dress size smaller, or a few inches taller, or living 50 miles away, or in any kind of different situation at all, it might be a mssive problem for me. It might be the biggest problem I face as a woman. And that is not irrelevant.

The F-Word: Chivalry Podcast

Chivalry Podcast

The podcast of The F-Word broadcast on on Monday 19th November


You can find the blog

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post about this episode here.


The F-Word: Language Podcast


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F-Word: Language


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The F-Word: Banter Podcast

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Find the blog here.


The F-Word: Women’s Magazine Podcast


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podcast from The F-Word.


The blog about this episode

can be found here.
